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Nine-Heads Artificial Phalaenopsis Orchid 3d Printing Soft Adhesive Faux Orchid Stem SKU APO1 Material 3d Printing Soft Adhesive Flower Diameter 11cm Length 90cm(Flowered part length:35cm) Weight 0.07kg Detail 9-heads moth orchid is made of 3D soft gel and is available in 19 colors. Artificial Phalaenopsis orchids are mainly used for decoration and flower arrangement. Artificial…
Hybrid Tea Rose Artificial Rose 7 Heads Rose Choose From 10 Colors SKU AR3-1 Material Silk Cloth Head Size 8cm Length 40cm Weight 0.07kg Detail 7 heads rose bouquet is a hybrid tea rose, made of silk cloth and has 10 colors to choose from. Artificial roses are used in home decoration and photography layout…
Hybrid Tea Rose Faux Rose 7 Heads Rose Choose From 17 Colors SKU AR3 Material Velvet Cloth Head Size 10.5cm Length 44cm Weight 0.15kg Detail 7 heads rose bouquet is a hybrid tea rose, made of velvet cloth and has 17 colors to choose from. Artificial roses are used in home decoration and photography layout…
Climbing Rose Fake Rose Fabric Rose Seven-Heads Rose Bouquet 8 Colors Available SKU AR2-2 Material Fabric Cloth Head Size 8.8cm Length 45cm Weight 0.12kg Detail Nine-heads rose bouquet is a hybrid tea rose, made of silk cloth, and has 18 colors to choose from. Artificial roses are used in holiday party, wedding, wedding decoration and…
Climbing Rose Fake Rose Silk Rose Three-Heads Rose Bouquet 8 Colors Available SKU AR2-1 Material Silk Cloth Head Size 8cm Length 63cm Weight 0.06kg Detail The three-heads rose bouquet is a climbing rose made of silk cloth and available in 8 colors. Artificial roses are used for holiday parties and home decoration. Best match bouquets:…
Climbing Rose Fake Rose Fabric Rose Seven-Heads Rose Bouquet 10 Colors Available SKU AR2 Material Fabric Cloth Head Size 8cm Length 44.5cm Weight 0.09kg Detail The seven-heads rose bouquet is a climbing rose made of fabric and available in 10 colors. Artificial roses are used for holiday parties and home decoration. Best match bouquets: delphinium,…
Dutch Hybrid Tea Rose Artificial Roses Nine-Heads Rose Choose From 18 Colors SKU AR1 Material Silk Cloth Head Size 9.5cm Length 45cm Weight 0.13kg Detail Nine-heads rose bouquet is a hybrid tea rose, made of silk cloth, and has 18 colors to choose from. Artificial roses are used in holiday party, wedding, wedding decoration and…